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Learning to Balance on Your Hands

(16 Reviews)
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It can take time to feel confident when moving into an arm balance. This video uses Crow Pose (Bakasana) to introduce the arm balance fundamentals - controlling your weight with your fingers, using your core muscles to stabilize and lifting away from the ground with energy!
April 21, 2020

I am barely able to hold the crow pose for more than 2 seconds but I have been practicing it for a week now. However, I got a lower back ache recently. The other asana that I had been trying in my yoga practice is sarvangasana. I have kept my practice on hold until my back recovers. Am I doing something wrong and can I prevent it from happening it?

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
April 23, 2020

One thing you can do is make sure that you are activating your core. You can do that by lifting your lower back straight up, rounding it as much as you can, like you're lifting from your belly. You'll feel your hips lift as well, and the idea is that you want to create a feeling of lightness in the pose.

December 19, 2017

Great instruction. After quite some time I'm finally able to do this. Soon I hope to be able to straighten my legs up all the way.

August 12, 2012

I've never been able to do it, but will keep trying. Peace, love & mung beans - Sheilah :)

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