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Guided Meditations to Help Fight Cancer

(10 Reviews)

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Meditation has proven to be a promising alternative cancer therapy. It has been shown to improve quality of life, such as decreasing symptoms of chemo and radiation, improve sleep and strengthen the immune system. These guided meditations will help you strengthen the elements of your body that are vital to fighting and beating cancer.

Brittina Berg
October 27, 2023

Stop using war terminology when dealing with cancer. Using war terminology indicates that it is your fault that you don't get better og die. You did not fight hard enough. You do not fight cancer, you cope with it the best you can.

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
October 27, 2023

Yes, that's a great point, although I wouldn't necessarily equate 'fight' with 'war'. Fighting can be an internal a struggle too. Regardless, your point is well made - that you don't fight cancer, you do your best to live with it. Thanks for sharing.

July 19, 2023

Beautiful. Thank you so much! I will share this with my friend who has Breast Cancer.

June 29, 2023

Thank you David for this beautiful series. I’ve just had surgery for ovarian cancer and my mind was full of really bad “chatter” this morning. This meditation was able to clear the chatter and bring me a sense of calm. Thank you for the incredible content available on your site.

March 9, 2022

Thank you, David. I'm having surgery soon and I'm scared. I needed this. Yoga and meditation are soothing me in this journey.

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