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Extended Child's Pose

(5 Reviews)
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In Sanskrit Utthita means extended and bala is a child. Extended Child's Pose is different from Child's Pose in that the knees are apart, allowing the rib cage to sink deeper, and the arms are extended forward to help lengthen the spine. This pose stretches the spine, hips, knees and relieves tension in the body.

Body Parts

  • Back
  • Legs

Body Positions

  • Forward Bends

Muscle Groups

  • Erector Spinae
  • Feet
  • Groin
  • Shins

Pose Positions

  • Sitting
Virginia Rego
January 20, 2022

The cue to "pull the spine forward" is pretty much opposite what I've been doing forever, ha! This is very helpful, and felt great - happy to have a new way to access this pose. Oh, and bringing the big toes together is a good reminder as I often forget about them!

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