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Core Activation Part III: The Multifidus

(9 Reviews)
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The Multifidus is a deep core muscle that provides support from the back, pulling the lower spine toward the center of the body. When working together with the other core muscles, they create a cylinder of pressure through the lower part of the torso.

September 19, 2017

The youtube video was very helpful. I can now activate one side or the other of multifidus muscle using the techniques in that video, but I still can't activate both sides at once. I get the idea - if you activate one side as if to twist like in the video and also the other side as if to twist, instead of twisting, the muscles just both tense. But without twisting, I can't feel the muscle at all. Somehow the intention of twisting activates the muscle, but still doesn't enable me to focus on that muscle independently of twisting.

April 24, 2017

I just checked on the youtube link and it is very helpful in showing how to engage and strengthen the muscle.

September 29, 2013

He should show visually what this is supposed to work. I have no idea what this is (and I've had a TON of bodywork done)

David Procyshyn
August 8, 2013

You're right, it is quite difficult to learn how to engage the multifidus. It's a deep core muscle that is hard to feel.

I just found a great video on youtube by a physiotherapist who goes over it in much greater detail than I did. This should help a lot. Here it is:


Let me know how it goes!

DoYogaWithMe.com Founder

Comment Replies

December 14, 2015

Thanks for the link David - very helpful. I especially appreciated the instruction of holding the pelvis in 'angry cat' whilst holding opposite arm and leg in the air and relaxing the upper thoracic as this alignment is not something I've ever heard a yoga teacher mention before. Are the positions, in fact, different?

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