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Core Activation Part I: The Pelvic Floor

(38 Reviews)
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How do we ensure that we don't get injured when we do yoga? This Core Activation Series guides you through the step by step process of how to become aware of your core muscles, how to strengthen them and how to use them to protect your body from injury.

You can find the second class here.

February 6, 2023

Hi! Where is the part 2 of this? I am not able to find it.

February 6, 2023

Hi! Where is the part 2 of this? I am not able to find it.

July 28, 2022

Hi David,

I've been using your site for years and am now learning of the importance of the pelvic floor. How should I be activating my pelvic floor during regular yoga? Should I be keeping it engaged as much as possible?

I tried this out last night in a class and noticed a marked improvement in the number of muscles stretched and also noticed a better quality release of the muscles. I'd like to know if I should continue practicing in this manner.



Comment Replies

Fiji McAlpine
August 4, 2022

Hi Bryan, I am happy you found this work helpful, and as you noticed, bringing awareness to the pelvic floor can help during a regular practice. This is often called mula bandha, the root lock. It can be helpful in many poses, but may be tiring to keep engaged the entire time.

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