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Yoga came into my life when I was young. I was born and brought up in India and yoga is a way of life in my family. My grandfather was my first Guru (teacher).

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  • 1 Official Challenges

Full Bio

About Me:
Yoga came into my life when I was young. I was born and brought up in India and yoga is a way of life in my family. My grandfather was my first Guru (teacher). He taught us how to do joints movements, asana, breathing techniques and meditation. As we lived in a joint family, we all met in the morning and practiced yoga together. Yoga practice was like a ritual in the house every day, each morning without a holiday. I was young when I started to practice and did so mostly in a playful way. Initially I loved the asana part but was not a fan of breathing and meditation. Since I respected my grandfather and saw my parents, uncles and cousins practicing every morning, I used to do the same. As I grew older my reason to go to the practice became effortless. Early in my teens I realized the power of the breath and grew to appreciate the philosophy behind this holistic wisdOM. I completed my teachers training from SVYASA and Sivananda Yoga. My intention as a teacher is to share with the community my experiences of the union and the meeting point of body, mind and breath. Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate, Realize, Be Good, Do Good, Be Kind, Be Compassionate, Adapt, Adjust, Accommodate, Be Good, Do Good, Be Kind is the Highest Sadhana Be Good, Do Good, Be Kind is the Highest Yoga I teach Classical Hatha Yoga and Sivananda Yoga. In my classes I try to bring in the wholesomeness of the eight fold yoga practice for everybody and everybody. In my personal life, yoga always helps me to understand that the only thing that is permanent is the impermanence. So live in the present!
My interests are singing, sketching, nature, silent walks and traveling.