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A Well-Rounded Challenging Beginner Flow

Beginner II
(361 Reviews)

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This challenging, beginner yoga class is a wonderfully-balanced hatha flow that stretches and strengthens the whole body, through standing poses, seated stretches, reclining postures and core work. Rachel helps you understand alignment and core activation, emphasizing the proper way to do the poses to obtain the most benefit and to feel rejuvenated and relaxed as you take on your day or prepare to wind down into your evening.


  • None


  • Whole Body
  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet


  • Hatha Yoga
July 22, 2020

I've done yoga classes off and on for over 20 years, but have never taken the time to really learn the structure of the poses - have been doing so during the COVID pandemic, starting with the 30 day beginner's challenge, and now this challenge - I've loved both series, and learning the poses and developing both more flexibility and balance - and so far, this has been my favorite class because it still took time to walk through the poses, but also made me sweat with some of the holds and micro pulses - I'll be sure to loop this one into my practice once I have explored all of the challenges at this level!


Question for Rachelle. In Warrior I pose, sometimes I find that my BACK knee is twisting on me as I pull my hips to the front of the mat and it feels uncomfortable. Can you tell me how my BACK foot should be placed on the mat in this pose?

In Warrior II, I do not struggle with this.

Thanks for your help.

Comment Replies

Rachel Scott
July 1, 2020

Excellent question. You should turn your back foot out slightly (if left foot is back, left foot and toes turned to top left corner). However, you also need to let your left THIGH externally rotate (turn out) the same amount so that you are not twisting your knee. Keep your left thigh rotating out slightly and turn your PELVIS towards the front of the mat. This can be counterintuitive, because you will try to internally rotate your left thigh to "square" your hips. You do not need to square your hips (though we all say so). If that still hurts your knee, shorten your stance, or do high lunge instead (it's practically the same pose, but no twisting of knee!). Try it and let me know if that works.


Thanks Rachel. Your metaphors and instructions continue to help me as I move more into an intermediate level. Loving this challenge.

May 23, 2020

Wonderful class, I want more like this one.
Quite challenging but so rewarding, those micro moves up and down wow, I felt it in some places I think I never felt it before.
Thank you

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