Yoga for Anxiety: Building Strength and Resiliency 
Yoga for Anxiety: Playfulness

Subscribers Only

Subscribers can enroll for free. See Plans
Duration & Commitment:
3 Day Program | 26-47 mins/day

Strength & Support for Mental Wellness

Beginner II
Fivestar Rating:
13 Ratings
This 3-class program is designed to help anyone who struggles with worrying and/or anxiety.
26-47 mins/day


    • Blocks
    • Chair
    • One pair of medium to heavy weights

What You'll Experience

You can expect to experience different types of yoga practices - one for play, one for strength and one for breath - to see what works for you. You will be working towards finding movement that may help tame your anxiety monster!


Week 1

  • Day 1:

    Yoga for Anxiety: Moving with Breath
    26 min
    • Beginner I
    • Melissa Krieger
    • Block

Week 2

  • Day 2:

    Yoga for Anxiety: Building Strength and Resiliency 
    47 min
    • Intermediate I
    • Melissa Krieger
    • Chair
  • Day 3:

    Yoga for Anxiety: Playfulness
    40 min
    • Beginner II
    • Melissa Krieger
    • Block, Chair



March 19, 2024

I love these classes for building strength. I find it difficult to do many yoga positions not for lack of flexibility, or form, but for the lack of strength. So this is great. Plus, I am also finding that building strength is very good for confidence and challenges that have nothing to do with strength directly. Thank you!

July 24, 2023

very gentle and calm. My body feels more open after this class and my mind feels calm

June 19, 2023

two things:
- this class is amazing!! if you need a mind-break, consider taking it.
-I had had to leave DYWM over concerns over cultural appropriation and insensitivity specially regarding the use of the word "Namaste" on the site and commentary around it when it came up in discussion (when I had pointed out in a comment that in India namaste is never used at the close of a sentence- that comment had been deleted which is led to me leaving, deleting comments means an unwillingness to even engage in conversation). I came back because the teachers are awesome. I LOVED that Melissa at least acknowledges the roots of yoga, where it comes from and the people it belongs to.

May 13, 2023

Melissa - This collection came at the perfect time. Thank you for your candor and your creativity.

April 27, 2023

Beautiful practice; beautiful spirit. Exactly what I needed. I became a subscriber member for access to this series; very happy that I did. It was such a surprise to realize that I can’t recall the last time I was invited to listen so closely to and respect my body and feelings in such an accepting manner. Classes were fun and clear and also as challenging a workout as I wished.

April 17, 2023

Absolutely loved the addition of free weights and body weight resistance to this class (Building Strength and Resiliency) More please!

November 30, 2022

As a trauma-informed yoga instructor I have struggled the last 4 months, unable to practice due to some broken bones. When I began again this week I saw this series and knew it was what I needed. The mix of play, strength building and core postures was a perfect reintroduction to my mat, and allowed me to let go of my anxiety and be in the moment.

Subscribers Only

Subscribers can enroll for free. See Plans
26-47 mins/day
3 Days