Winter's energy has shifted. The unfurling and uncoiling, much like shakti’s energy, rising along our spines, has begun. We animals arch our backs in response to mother nature’s calling—reaching, yawning, and shrugging off the stiffness of hibernation: it’s spring!
Everywhere we see the signs—our local flowers push up, stretching their leaves like we reach our arms, ready to birth new hues into the world. Initially just a few of the wise birds, or the young and eager perhaps, sing out their yearning call to spring. The world starts to bubble as it shifts with this growing, bursting, new energy. It’s suddenly ripe with bouquets of colour and choruses of sound, with shifting consciousness and rising energy.
For those living in the Northern Hemisphere, spring is upon us now—you’ve seen it, and maybe you’re internally connected to its rising energies. Acknowledged worldwide, many different cultures and people celebrate during this auspicious time of the year: the themes of growth, birth, renewal and regeneration are important ones.
We can embrace this time and these themes to help focus in on our own life cycles, on what’s truly important, and to use the rising energy of the natural world and of collective consciousness to help guide our practices. It’s a time to plant seeds (literally and figuratively!) and watch them grow as the year progresses. Perhaps you’re dedicating more time to your health, to your connection to others, to your dharma (purpose or calling) and the unfurling of your leaves so that your vibrant colours can too burst forth into life.
Here at DoYogaWithMe we naturally turn to our yoga practices at this time as an invaluable tool to help us navigate this season. Not only does yoga help us guide our energies and use them in a constructive manner, but it helps us with expression, grounding and growth.
We want to share with you this spring as you’re building your own energies and rising forth, in whatever colour or shape that takes for you. From May 10th to 13th we’re sharing our Spring into Wellness Offer: 25% off our annual subscriptions so that you can practice with us throughout the whole year.
For subscribers who are called to go even deeper, we’re also giving away one free spot to our Master Practitioner Program (MPP) through a special draw! You’ll be able to choose the program dates that work best for you.
Subscribers can also stay tuned for the launch of our new Asana Lab Sessions, a monthly live-on-zoom workshop event led by David or Fiji, to explore all different poses and yoga themes. We’ve got so many great learning opportunities coming up here at DYWM, so if you’re not yet a subscriber and would like to be, sign up here now!
Whether your goals this year are to be more grounded and stress-free, to improve your asana practice, to overcome an injury, or to follow your dharma, yoga can certainly help you as you build the practices to channel your energies.
What are you creating this season? And what kind of flower are you blooming into this year? Feel the energy and let the birds serenade you – ‘tis the season of growth!
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