Dancer's Pose: Supple Spine and Shoulders Dancer's Pose: Playful Dancer's Flow
Dancer's Pose: Workshop

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Duration & Commitment:
4 Day Peak Pose | 20-40 mins/day

Peak Pose: Dancer's with Fiji McAlpine

Intermediate I
Fivestar Rating:
0 Ratings
This 4-class series helps you move into dancer's pose (natarajasana), a touch foot balance pose that is also a deep backbend.
20-40 mins/day


  • Strap

What You'll Experience

Our peak pose challenges are meant to be flexible, allowing you to do each class when it suits you and feels right. For example, you can do classes back-to-back on the same day or leave two or three days in between. It's totally up to you. You will be doing the peak pose in both classes 3 and 4.


Intermediate | 4 Classes

Own the whole Peak Pose: Dancer's video series (Two File Sizes):

Large Screen ($30) | Mobile Devices ($20) | Audio Only ($10)

Dancer's pose (natarajasana) requires a lot of strength, balance, focus and flexibility. Fiji approaches each class like it's an opportunity to prepare your body in a particular way for this pose. Doing each class one after the other will open your body in a smart, thorough way, giving you everything you need to safely attempt the pose in class 3. The last three classes are shorter, so you may want to consider doing two or three of them back-to-back.



  • Class 1:

    Dancer's Pose: Balances and Binds
    39 min
    • Intermediate II
    • Fiji McAlpine
    • Strap
  • Class 2:

    Dancer's Pose: Supple Spine and Shoulders
    22 min
    • Intermediate II
    • Fiji McAlpine
    • Strap
  • Class 3:

    Dancer's Pose: Workshop
    20 min
    • Intermediate III
    • Fiji McAlpine
    • Strap
  • Class 4:

    Dancer's Pose: Playful Dancer's Flow
    14 min
    • Intermediate III
    • Fiji McAlpine
    • Strap



Members Only

Create a free member account to access this collection.
20-40 mins/day
4 Days