A Well-Rounded Challenging Beginner Flow Align, Stabilize and Stretch A Full Body Hatha Flow Core Strength and Stretch
Go With The Flow Yin/Yang Yoga for the Spine Flow Yoga to Energize

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Thursday nights

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What You'll Experience


  • Marichyasana I: Strength and Stretch
    52 min
    • Intermediate I
    • David Procyshyn
    • Block, Bolster
  • A Well-Rounded Challenging Beginner Flow
    53 min
    • Beginner II
    • Rachel Scott
  • Go With The Flow
    45 min
    • Beginner II
    • Melissa Krieger
    • Block
  • Align, Stabilize and Stretch
    53 min
    • Intermediate I
    • David Procyshyn
    • Strap, Block
  • Yin/Yang Yoga for the Spine
    52 min
    • Intermediate I
    • Sarah Jane Steele
  • A Full Body Hatha Flow
    49 min
    • Intermediate I
    • Anastasia Hangemanole
    • Block
  • Flow Yoga to Energize
    47 min
    • Intermediate I
    • Melissa Krieger
    • Block
  • Core Strength and Stretch
    54 min
    • Intermediate I
    • Melissa Krieger
  • Challenge Your Body: A Beginner's Level II Class
    49 min
    • Beginner I
    • David Procyshyn
    • Block



Members Only

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