Free Flow: Fluidity & Flight  Workshopping Wheel Pose Yoga for Athletes Renewing Power in Flow: Foot Balances
Headstand Pose: Full Pose and Variations Level 3 Yoga/Pilates Fusion Yoga for Athletes

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Sacred Sunday

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What You'll Experience


  • Multilevel Morning Flow
    75 min
    • Intermediate III
    • Fiji McAlpine
  • Free Flow: Fluidity & Flight 
    66 min
    • Intermediate III
    • Tara Heal
    • Block, Strap
  • Headstand Pose: Full Pose and Variations
    37 min
    • Advanced
    • Crista Shillington
  • Workshopping Wheel Pose
    58 min
    • Intermediate II
    • Fiji McAlpine
  • Level 3 Yoga/Pilates Fusion
    66 min
    • Intermediate III
    • Kim Wilson
  • Yoga for Athletes
    61 min
    • Intermediate II
    • Fiji McAlpine
  • Yoga for Athletes
    61 min
    • Intermediate II
    • Fiji McAlpine
  • Renewing Power in Flow: Foot Balances
    63 min
    • Intermediate II
    • Fiji McAlpine



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