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Rise Again

Intermediate III
(57 Reviews)

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Explore how to rise with courage and strength in this invigorating practice with Fiji that includes lots of standing and arm balances.

This class is Day 5 of Fiji's Calm in the Chaos program. Each class is very similar in style and movement, the intention and focus is what sets them apart as a progression.


  • None


  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Whole Body
  • Twists
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Balance
  • Legs and Feet
  • Neck/Shoulders
  • Arms/Hands


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
November 5, 2020

Another lovely class, thank you Fiji

November 5, 2020

Great class!! So many great poses in a short period of time. Yet it did not fell rushed. It gave me a new courage with all of the balancing poses. Thank you Fiji!!

November 5, 2020

I thought that I would enjoy this programme but I haven’t. I understand that the programme is marketed as intermediate but I found that there are too may poses throughout all of the classes that I can not do, such as crow and crane, I have been practicing yoga for a long time, would consider myself a solid intermediate student and still can’t manage those poses despite trying many times and in this programme there were no alternative poses offered or even different levels of the pose offered. Even with tree pose Fiji directed us to put our foot on our thigh but did not say if you can’t manage that to use your shin or ankle. I find that what happens in tree pose if students are not directed otherwise they place their foot on their knee and this is bad for the knee joint. I would also say that headstands are too dangerous to attempt unsupervised. I think this programme needs to come with a caveat for the type and level of poses within it.

Comment Replies

November 5, 2020

I found your comment quite pertinent. I would consider myself a solid intermediate student but I still cannot manage crow or crane. It just doesn't happen for me.

November 5, 2020

I understand your concerns but I don't think they're quite fair.

Intermediate III is one step before Advanced, so it really does matter what sort of "intermediate" you consider yourself to be. Plus, there're so many different kinds of yoga. You could have practiced one type of yoga for years, and still be a beginner in another type of yoga. Personally, I found the class quite manageable. Keep in mind that people are asking Fiji to post more advanced classes all the time, what can you do... not everything is ideal for everyone :)

Fiji always advises that we make the class our own, so I would recommend just modifying what you need to on your own. It's what I do when an instructor goes into a pose I can't do. Or, I just do something else I like and then re-join the class when it's all over.

Lastly, this is marked Intermediate III, so it's for people - who as you - have been doing yoga for years. And people in this category already know that they shouldn't put their foot on their knee for tree pose, and that they shouldn't get into "dangerous" poses that aren't in their practice unsupervised. So, if the instructor is going into headstand or tripod stand or hand stand, there's an assumption that it's already in your practice, if you choose to do it (and oftentimes they make a point of emphasizing "if it's in your practice".) No one is suggesting you do something that would hurt you :) I hope you find classes you can enjoy more!

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