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Hip Flexor Heaven

Intermediate I
(340 Reviews)

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This class targets the hips flexors, a common problem area for many, including runners, athletes, people with desk jobs and those with hyperlordosis. David guides you through a class that builds gradually toward a final series of deep openers for the quads and psoas muscles, starting and finishing with a guided relaxation.

This can either be done as a stand-alone class or as Day 15 of the Daily Dose 30-Day Intermediate Yoga Challenge.


  • Block


  • Hips
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet
  • Lower Back


  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga for Athletes
  • Yoga for Runners
  • Yoga for Back Care
July 19, 2015

I have chronic hip/back issues from a history of muay thai, work and auto accidents, and being a professional student (many many hours on the computer). The hammies/hip/lower back video has been incredible, but realizing my psoas and related connective tissue is extremely restricted on one side, I decided to try this video.

Your instruction on how to align the femur and pelvis before firing the glut has finally allowed me to stretch the psoas on that side in a way that reflects the type of dysfunction I experience. In other words, the compensation in posture I've developed has made it very hard to stretch it c orrectly. However, this video was incredibly intense, and I had trouble making it through.

Do you recommend another video before continuing with this, or should I just focus on form and getting the best stretch I can, in the beginning of the poses without trying to dive deeper into them?

Thanks so much.

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
July 20, 2015

It sounds like you're making some good progress. I would recommend frequently stretching out your hip flexors throughout the week. A few times a day wouldn't be too much, as long as they aren't getting sore. Keep doing this class, but don't push it too much until you feel like your hips have a little more mobility.

It'll come. Sometimes it just take time.


DoYogaWithMe Founder

June 29, 2015

This is hands down THE most effective class on this site for me! I've been dealing with a chronic back injury for 3 years and have developed extreme pain and tightness in my hips. This class opened my hips up so beautifully. The class was incredibly thorough, progressive, and David was so knowledgable... My hips have never felt so relaxed and I can actually feel the flow through my feet. I had no idea I was so blocked until releasing it all in this amazing class! I'll definitely be practicing this class every week.

Jhoanna Mukai
June 24, 2015

Love the class! The details of how the muscles should be activated really helps me feel the same pose I've been doing on a deeper level.

June 13, 2015

This class is the perfect counterpoint to your classes for the hips, hamstrings, and back. Too often when people have pain and tension in the glutes and low back, they focus on stretching the muscles on the back of the body, forgetting that those muscles are affected by the counter pull of the front. I've been struggling with a disc issue in my lumbar spine for the last year and had hit a recovery plateau. Just the improvement I've had the last few days as I've done this class and your two for the hips and hamstrings is amazing. My posture has improved. My hips are looser, my back stronger. And your cues for downward dog have fixed an alignment issue that has aggravated my shoulder for years. This whole class felt amazing AND gave me a more intense workout than I've been able to do in over a year. Thank you so much!

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