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Firefly Pose: Arm Strength

Intermediate II
(115 Reviews)

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Note: Fiji says you need two blocks for this class, but you can also use two books of the same thickness. In part one of Fiji's 3-part series leading you to firefly pose (tittibhasana), she works on strengthening the arms. She emphasizes the muscles that are needed in this challenging arm balance to prepare you for the final peak pose, that you will be doing in part three. Fiji's focus, intelligent progression and clarity make this class wonderfully fulfilling and energizing. This class will get you where you need to be for the next ones in the series: Firefly Pose: Strengthen and Lengthen and Firefly Pose: Workshop.



  • Block


  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Strength
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Core Strength
  • Neck/Shoulders
  • Arms/Hands


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
May 5, 2020

Enjoyable pace and detailed instructions for each movement and breath. Simple and effective. Thank you.

July 1, 2019

Questions: When using blocks the heals of my hands are sinking into the blocks causing my wrists to over extend so I can't keep my arms at right angle to my hands. How can I prevent this? I also couldn't figure out how to put my hand around the outside of my foot and get my leg to lift (one of the first poses you did). Can you explain that in more detail?

February 16, 2019

Revisiting this class. When I tried it a few months ago at the beginning of my practice, it was impossible. Now, after practicing daily with other challenges here, I can feel my progress. And interestingly enough, although it focuses on the upper body, my lower body feels more aligned and less painful. Patience, practice and progress in natural time is key.

July 10, 2018

Thank you so much for this class that really challenges arm strength by increasing awareness of the shoulder girdle and releasing the body as being as important as keeping it strong. I have only one side note, that is purely my experience and not a complaint, when I am in the most difficult portion of any posture where I am having to focus on the breath, too many verbal "reasons" (not cues) are too much for me to bear and actually take me out of listening to my body. Perhaps more limited verbal cues, vs reasoning would be something to try? Just an idea. I have tremendous gratitude for this class and all your classes, Fiji, and mean no criticism, merely my experience. Namaste from Ireland.

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