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Flying Pigeon Pose: The Final Step

Intermediate III
(39 Reviews)

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This is the 3rd class in a series that began with Flying Pigeon Pose: Preparation, and moved you through Flying Pigeon Pose: Going Deeper. This class takes you in and out of full flying pigeon pose or eka pada galavasana. Tracey's smile and infectious energy help you make your way through this vigorous power yoga flow and into one of the more challenging arm balances, requiring significant hip and back flexibility as well as core strength. Have fun getting to the peak pose!


  • None


  • Hips
  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Core Strength
  • Balance
  • Legs and Feet
  • Morning


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
December 14, 2017

Thank you so much for this, Tracey - this pose has been my nemesis for literally years, but I finally have lift off! Can only do it on the left side as I have a right knee injury, and I still can't quite shoot my leg back, but I was up and balancing :-) Will keep coming back to this (and the prep classes). As always Tracey teaches wonderfully, I love all her classes :-)

December 8, 2017

I was so happy to come back to DYWM after a two week hiatus (travel and illness) to find some new classes from Tracey. I really enjoyed this class. It provided the right amount of all over body opening and strengthening, plus the pinnacle pose. While I always enjoy the longer classes when I have time, sometimes just under 30 is all I can squeeze in. This was perfect.

November 28, 2017

Just did the last two in this series. The first one two days ago. Thank you so deeply. Your calm, percision, ease and wisdom shine such a bright light into these dark, wet Danish winter days. Don't ever doubt that you are one who is shifting the tide. Thank you. I love you.

November 26, 2017

Even if I did the most graceless flying pigeon, I did it anyway! Thank you Tracey for these classes! I'll do them again in order to eventually do the most beautiful and graceful flying pigeon (as you do!).

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