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Yoga for the Hips, Hamstrings and Back

Beginner I
(379 Reviews)

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This online hatha yoga class is perfect for athletes who are looking for a routine they can do to lessen stiffness and risk of injury due to training. It stretches the hips, hamstrings and lower back repeatedly throughout the class, which is an effective way to quickly increase flexibility.


  • Strap


  • Hips
  • Twists
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet
  • Sleep/Relaxation
  • Lower Back


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga for Athletes
  • Yoga for Runners
  • Yoga for Back Care
February 12, 2014

This was such a sweet and gentle practice. I just did it right before bed and feel much less tense and more relaxed.

December 17, 2013

Hi again David,
Yes your suggestion worked really well, thanks!
However, I also have knee pain when doing the pose where you fold one leg back and "sit" on the foot and then bend forward into a hip stretch, and later lie backwards into a quad stretch. I get a deep pain in the inner part of my knee which I "sit" on, but if I don't point my toes straight back, and let my foot stay in a flexed position, the pain is less. However as you mention specifically to keep the toes pointing straight back, I'm not sure if flexing the foot is ok or not.
Should I just avoid this pose if it gives my knee too much pain? Is there a modification? Are there "knee stretches" that I could do to make my knee joint more flexible (if that is in fact the problem?)?
Thanks a lot

December 4, 2013

Hi David,
When I sit cross-legged with my right leg outside of my left, I am able to do the hip circles and the pose where we bend forward bringing our heads to the ground without pain in my knees. (For the most part, when I bend too low, my left knee starts to twinge).
However, when I have my left leg outside of my right, if I bend forward in the above-mentioned positions, I get pain almost immediately in my right knee. As if it is too tight and it does not like being strained in that way.
I know you mentioned sitting on a block might help, but for me it's not enough to get rid of the pain. Do you know why this is happening? Are there any exercises that I could do to "loosen up" my knees so that they don't hurt in these positions?
Your video is great for my back, but this problem with my knees is discouraging me from doing certain positions.
Thanks in advance.

November 16, 2013

I love that I rarely have to look at the screen - the instructions are perfectly clear and I can focus my attention on the postures. This video was great for my lower back, which was bothering me this morning. Another outstanding video, thank you!

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