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Wheel Pose: Open the Heart

Intermediate II
(99 Reviews)

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Tracey teaches you how to open up the body into a gradual, deep backbend that you will need to access in the second class of this series, Wheel Pose: Full Posture, when you do full wheel pose (chakrasana), also called upward facing bow pose (urdva dhanurasana). She helps you release the spine, shoulders, hip flexors and legs while encouraging you to move through a fun, vigorous power yoga flow.


  • None


  • Hips
  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Spine
  • Neck/Shoulders
  • Morning


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
December 23, 2021

This class flows so smoothly and creatively, and Tracy's voice is so calm, it is over before you know it, and your body feels great.

Gilly Vanilly
December 2, 2021

I loved this class even though it was a little advanced for me I was happy to give it my best and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you Tracy

April 1, 2020

I don't usually do vinyasa but loved this one: a feel good practice! Positively pushed my boundaries. Thank you

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