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Fundamentals of Practice Day 5

Intermediate I
(25 Reviews)

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Shoulder stability and mobility is essential in preparing you for inversions. In this faster-paced practice, Rachel reinforces the essential actions you need to develop functional strength and stability in preparation for more advanced poses. This class can either be done as a stand-alone or as part of Rachel's 7-Day Fundamentals of Practice Yoga Challenge.


  • Strap
  • Block


  • Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Inversions
  • Neck/Shoulders


  • Hatha Yoga
  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
September 1, 2020

Not sure if my previous comment was posted or not, I don't see it, so here it is (again):
I am not sure if I'm the only one that has a hard time keeping up with Rachel's high speed instructions. Especially when it's so detailed and the moves are so subtle. I sometimes need to stop and rewind to get it all.

Comment Replies

October 18, 2021

I always watch classes before practice. With Rachels Fundamentals I repeat them so often I forgot counting, They are the basis for
everything I am trying on the mat. For me, yoga is a never ending learning process, I am always a BEGINNER!

September 1, 2020

Love the 7-day challenge! Am I the only one that has a hard time keeping up with Rachel's instructions? Rachel you speak so fast, I need to rewind some instructions and hear them over. Especially when it's so detailed and involves subtle moves of muscles.


I love your classes Rachel. Pretty fantastic. My question is about shoulder alignment. I seem to hear a lot of conflicting ways of positioning shoulders. I have unstable shoulder or at least have that hunch a little forward. How should my shoulders be when I'm standing for instance and also in chatarunga followed by upward then downward dog. In downward dog I've heard some instructors say have them flat against the back but sliding away from the spine, but I don't think that's right. What are your thoughts? Thank you!

Comment Replies

Rachel Scott
July 1, 2020

Howdy! This is an AWESOME question, but complicated. LOL In plank and chaturanga, you need to balance the action of the primary muscles that stabilize the shoulder blade on the back. Essentially, the scapula don't move at all on the back from plank - chaturanga - to updog. So you have to balance two actions: drawing front ribs in as you slightly hug shoulder blades together. You can see my chaturanga tutorial on DoYogaWithME or check this out for info on chaturanga to updog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBiPocp8q9Q&t=5s

For downward facing dog, your shoulder blades need to upwardly rotate to take your arms overhead. This means that, yes, they widen away from your spine. The inner borders of your scapula move down, as the outer edges move UP. Like there's a little pivot on your shoulder blade and they turn. They will also wrap slightly around your ribcage (forward). Don't worry about "flat" here...no bone is flat, and your ribs aren't flat either :)

Let me know if that helps!

May 1, 2020

This practice felt really good in my shoulders. I'm chronically tight in my shoulders but yoga helps. It would be helpful for students to prepare their straps with a loop at outer shoulder width to avoid having to fumble with the strap during class.

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