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Calming Pranayama Yoga

Beginner II
(83 Reviews)

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This pranayama yoga class calms the nervous system using a series of yoga breathing exercises, including deep breathing (diaphragmatic breathing) - which combines the belly, mid-chest and upper chest breaths - and alternate nostril breathing, or Anulom Vilom. The alternate nostril breath is a challenging breathing technique, so don't be surprised if you find it difficult the first few times. This class is great to do before bed or when you need to relax.


  • None


  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Sleep/Relaxation


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Pranayama Yoga
June 15, 2020

12 seconds left me in a panic. I feel like when I attempt the three part breath I actually breath much shallower. I I usually end up yawning a bunch and feel slightly dizzy. What am I doing wrong?

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
June 16, 2020

Hi there. Are you referring to the alternate nostril breathing? If so, it may be surprising but this is quite common. You can work up to it by doing the breathing through both nostrils until your nervous system and lungs get used to it. Then do a few cycles of ANS, slowly building up to full rounds.

May 16, 2020

Should absolute beginners find these breath-holding exercises calming, or that something that only comes after years of practice? Your voice is remarkably calming, David, but the practice itself was not. I ended prematurely, gasping for breath, with a headache. It certainly didn't help me relax, and I'm glad I didn't attempt it near bedtime.

I've learned a lot in the absolute beginner series, but the journey to date has been a little discouraging. I exercise strenuously six days a week, but I've been unable to execute all the exercises (let alone effortlessly) in most of these classes. I'm hoping to soon find a lesson that feels good (or better yet, effortless) and that leaves me with a sense of accomplishment for for being able to do what's asked.


Namaste, thank you for the calm guidance. I found 12 seconds to be especially challenging because it was long, I kept tensing up, and struggled to incorporate the expansion. :P The three part breath on its own I can enjoy now. I’m wondering why 12 seconds? Can I just build up to it?

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
January 15, 2020

Yes, absolutely you can build up to it. This is just showing you a progression that you could go through and you could extend that out over a longer period of time, if needed.

January 31, 2019

Holding the breath in is easy but holding it out is HARD.

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