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Calming Pranayama Yoga

Beginner II
(83 Reviews)

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This pranayama yoga class calms the nervous system using a series of yoga breathing exercises, including deep breathing (diaphragmatic breathing) - which combines the belly, mid-chest and upper chest breaths - and alternate nostril breathing, or Anulom Vilom. The alternate nostril breath is a challenging breathing technique, so don't be surprised if you find it difficult the first few times. This class is great to do before bed or when you need to relax.


  • None


  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Sleep/Relaxation


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Pranayama Yoga
August 3, 2016

Wow.. my body was so unused to these slow breathing frequencies that immediately after the exercise my busy life just rebooted and it was very hard for me to remember these slow movements with my body and integrate them into my normal life. But it felt so good while it lasted. Looks like this is a video Ill revisit some times in the future :)

Thank you so much David and crew! Your videos have helped and still are helping me through tough times of my life. Seriously. Its wonderful what you do, and so much needed for many...

July 13, 2016

This was very relaxing. I'm finishing up grad school right now and I'm tense at night - I did this before bedtime and it was perfect. I slept without waking up! I will definitely need to practice the alternate nostril breath, but I was getting the hang of it by the end. Thank you!

As a side note - I really enjoy the videos designed primarily for relaxation, stretching, or getting in tune with our bodies. A good, sweaty workout from some dedicated power yoga is all well and fine - but the videos that have helped me the most? Those that are designed for stress-relief, or pain-relief, etc. I love them all. Thank you, DYWM - this online resource is invaluable for those of us that don't want to or can't always attend normal yoga studios.

July 13, 2016

This is indeed very smoothing, I must admit I'm still struggling to sync my breath while practicing yoga and this video not only brought me calm but also it seems I came to a better understanding on how to control my breath, even if I will need more practice to enjoy the benefits fully.Thank you David for your generosity through this class and your amazing website.

July 11, 2016

Thank you so much David for creating this website and making these wonderful yoga videos accesible to everybody. They are excellent. I enjoy them a lot.

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