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The Aspen Series

Beginner II
(38 Reviews)

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Designed for people who work with their hands, this yoga class moves through a series of stretching and strengthening exercises for the neck, shoulders, arms and upper back. It's short and efficient, a great office yoga class and perfect if you only have 15 minutes during a break or after work.


  • None


  • Neck/Shoulders
  • Arms/Hands


  • Vigorous Yoga


  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga at Work
March 27, 2016

I just did this workout for the first time as a break from grading essays. It was very hard but definitely worth it! Thank you for a short but wonderful routine that I will attempt to make a daily practice.

February 10, 2016

Thank you! That was awesome.
I have over-used and stressed my arms and shoulders through work and bad posture. This practice is great at aligning my spine and really healing the tissue especially in my shoulders! What a release!

Nancy McCormack
January 13, 2016

Thanks Michelle. Different stretches that I was used to. Definitely harder than it looks. Nancy

January 7, 2016

Simple moves, but a lot harder than it looks!

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