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Yoga Therapy for the Shoulders and Upper Back

Beginner I
(133 Reviews)

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This short shoulder sequence is for everyone - yoga practitioners, office workers, weight lifters, new moms, musicians, and everyone else who uses their hands and arms throughout the day. These therapeutic exercises are not yoga poses, but will help you with your asana practice and will generally give you more space and mobility in your shoulders. Practice regularly to bring ease to your body at work and at home.


  • Block


  • Neck/Shoulders


  • Yoga Therapy
  • Yoga for Back Care
January 10, 2016

First, I can't get my elbows together, let alone into eagle arms. Is there any modification or prop I could try? Also, I have similar pain to erinlein, but on the left side - happened coming out of child's pose :( . The standing modification helps greatly - thank you!

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Erica Fritch
January 18, 2016

Hi Ebuddy,
One of the things that can help get your arms to cross a little further up above the elbows (which is the secret to getting the grip in this arm position) is to use momentum. Fold forward, to bring your chest out of the way, then really swing your arms fast to get higher up in the crossing. Keep your thumbs pointing toward your face. Then try one of the following three modifications:

First is to cross your arms as close to your elbows as you can, as if you were going to go into the full arm position, but then take your hands to opposite shoulders, like you are giving yourself a hug. Your hands will be on opposite shoulders. Walk your hands down so they are below the tops of your shoulders, if possible (onto your deltoids and upper arms), and then start to creep your fingers back towards your shoulder blades. It is possible (but not necessary, of course) to wrap your fingers around the inner edges of your shoulder blades in this positon. Do the same with the opposite arm/elbow on top.

Second is to go into Eagle arms as much as you can, then have a friend help *gently* press your wrists towards each other. You can also do this yourself using a wall to bring the top arm's forearm closer to the bottom one.

Third, is a version more common in fitness and weightlifting circles. Take your right arm straight across your body, use your left hand or forearm to pull it close to your chest. Don't twist with this, just pull the arm across to stretch the outer upper arms.

Hope those all (or at least one) help! Hard to know what the pain in your back is, but I hope you get it figured out and work on it to relieve that issue!
Keep stretching those shoulders!

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January 25, 2016

Thanks for the modification - now next time I have Eagle pose in class I won't feel stupid flapping my arms :-). Started Stronglifts over the holidays, and deadlifts seem to be helping the back. Got into child's pose and got back out without pain - hurray!

November 3, 2015

I do weights and find that I get quite tense in my shoulders. I recently discovered this short class and have been using it after my training sessions, which has been really good. Thanks!

October 4, 2015

I thought at only 11 minutes this wouldn't be enough to get me going in the morning but it did! Thanks!

I have one problem though -- I am having some pain along the right side of my spine lately, mid-back, and when I did the last position with my elbows on the foam roller (in my case), it was so tense and almost unbearable. Is there another exercise or adaptation that will help me work through this issue? I think it's from twisting around in my sleep too much lately.

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Erica Fritch
October 8, 2015

Hi erinlein,
I'm glad you found some benefit from just a short practice. It's amazing what a little bit of movement can do for us!

As for the pain in your back, one modification I can offer is to do the movement in a standing position. I like to use the kitchen counter, and sometimes use the desk at work to get the same stretch in. It takes some of the other requirements out of it so that you can focus on the engagement you are going for and can release more fully into the stretch.
And, as always, practice, practice, practice! Have faith and keep at it. If you can add this to your day every day (and even multiple times a day when you get in a routine of using a higher, easily accessible counter) chance can happen pretty quickly!

Good luck!

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November 3, 2015

Thanks for your response! I took your advice and used the counter or desk at first but now I can do it on the block too :)

I have been doing this sequence often, and on days when I have to work at a desk all day even twice a day -- my shoulders and upper back are feeling a million times better than a month ago. This is a great little routine that I can always spare 10 minutes for.

July 20, 2015

I am a dental assistant so frequently suffer from aches in my shoulders and back. This was my first time with this segment and I am already feeling some relief. I look forward to an ache-less future with consistent practice!

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Erica Fritch
July 21, 2015

So glad to hear it, Cori! I realized at the dentist a few years ago that you guys so need some of these exercises I have to offer! I tried to get a class going at my dentist's office, and hoped to work with dental students in our town. I'd love to be able to work with professionals in all areas at the student level to ingrain the importance of taking care of YOU while you take care of others.
Glad to hear it hit the spot for you!

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