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Will I Be Anxious Forever

(5 Reviews)

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Join David as he asks the candid question 'Will I be anxious forever?'. Many of those who experience chronic anxiety have lived with it as a constant part of their lives for so long that it can seem like it will never go away, like they can't imagine what life would be like without it. Curiosity and thoughtful exploration can trigger and sustain a shift away from chronic anxiety, creating epiphanies and moments of clarity. To watch the rest of this video series, check out David's free Anxiety: A Learning Series. To go deeper into your relationship with your anxiety, go to David's Let Go of Anxiety and Fear 21-Day Program.

[email protected]
April 27, 2022

I can’t seem to let go of the idea that it IS important. Anyway, wish I saw the “links below."

Comment Replies

July 3, 2023

Same on both accounts. Where are the links? I'm not seeing them but am on my mobile. I think my anxiety is telling me something, to make a shift of some sort. I just don't know yet how to read it entirely and what it's telling me and what to do about it. I always appreciate David's perspective, and think you can say that some of the anxiety and worrying about the mundane isn't important, but to dismiss it entirely seems to dishonor whatever higher level wisdom is trying to come in.

David Procyshyn
July 4, 2023

Thanks for pointing that out. I've added the link to the program that I mentioned, as well as the full, free video series.

April 26, 2022

Such a simple tool, but very effective. I appreciate your straightforward and honest answer to that question, although I have to admit it's not what I was expecting to hear. Thank you!

December 7, 2021

Wow. This was very emotional for me, so I imagine the next videos will also be so. I have always found peace and clarity on my mat with DYWM, and this is just one more way you continue to help me. I'm a mom in a stage of transitions right now, sending kids off to college and watching then grow more independent in high school after a year and a half of togetherness; no current career, trying to find a new purpose- and it is HARD. This week has been especially anxiety-ridden, so I will be practicing letting it go and telling myself "It's not important". Thank you so much, David. Namaste.

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