Connection - Your Relationship To What Is

I believe that we cannot exist in isolation. We can only exist in relationship to our world. In fact, I would go as far as saying that relationship IS life. To exist is to be related. And it is through the mirror of relationship that the mind can be understood. The key is to take the time and energy to see yourself in that mirror.

Because of this, connection is a profoundly important aspect of personal well being. It is through the connection to your body, to other people and to the universe that you have access to the limitless nature of reality. It is through connection that we create relationships, feel feelings, and observe and interact with our world. And relationships are never narrow or small. They are a process that can often seem infinitely complex. And we can approach this complexity with a narrow mind or one that is free and open. 

Binoculars Looking Into The Mist

Because your mind is at the center, without understanding yourself, your thoughts and actions are likely to bring about confusion and sorrow. However, when you are open to observing with passive watchfulness that is clear and present, the simplicity of that mindful attention allows you to take in all that is there, without distraction. 

With this in mind, I have planned a 5-class livestream series on Connection with the themes of the body, the earth, calm, focus and energy. I will be using these five themes to help you explore the nature of the relationships that you have established, through pranayama, guided meditation and asana. Practicing asana, pranayama and mindfulness frequently can greatly improve your relationship with your body/mind, allowing you to feel much more grounded, calm, focused and energized. 

My approach is simple - to begin with where we are at. We often make the mistake of searching for bliss, when it is always to be found within us. We are able to see and understand this when the mind is clear of its activities. When the mind is calm, quiet and focused.

Connection Meditation Livestreams

Connection Meditation Livestreams

Be well and see you on the mat!

David Procyshyn | Founder and CEO of DoYogaWithMe


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