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Yoga for Runners: A Stretch Class for the IT Band

Beginner I
(83 Reviews)

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This class is designed specifically to prevent or help heal chronic IT band tightness. It takes a holistic approach, releasing all of the muscles that play a role in IT Band Syndrome. This is a common issue for those that do a lot of running and will provide you with some relief.

If you want more classes specific to running recovery you can try Fiji's Post-Run yoga class or her Injury Prevention class


  • Block
  • Strap


  • Flexibility
  • Hips
  • Legs and Feet
  • Spine


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga for Athletes
  • Yoga for Runners
  • Yoga for Back Care
April 12, 2015

When doing the kneeling quad stretch I keep getting a pain/cramp in my hamstring. Am I not doing the stretch correctly or is there something I can do to alleviate that cramp.

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
January 4, 2016

It just means that your hamstring is weak, which is common with tight hip flexors. You can start doing strengthening exercises for the hamstrings to improve this.

Take care,

DoYogaWithMe Founder

December 16, 2014

Great video! I can really tell how much I need this video when doing these stretches.

I have a question about the quad stretch. At ~16:06, when placing the leg in front, I can't get my leg out in front of me without feeling pain in my quadriceps on the leg that is against the wall. I think I'm just not flexible enough there, and the stretch feels too deep. Can anyone suggest a modification that will allow me to do this stretch until I'm flexible enough?

Thank you!

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
December 18, 2014

Hi Gemgrrrl.

Are you able to keep your front knee down, put the back leg up the wall and feel the stretch? That could be a good starting point, as long as you are relatively comfortable in that position.

Take care,

DoYogaWithMe.com Founder

October 3, 2014

This video and the video for lower back are totally amazing. Picked up some new asanas which I'm hoping will really help with my running given I have a tendency towards frequent injury. Fabulous instruction and not rushed!

February 18, 2014

I found some new stretches in this yoga video, David is so gentle and thorough with his explanations. I will add this one to my "to do" list. I am a runner and have super tight hamstrings, but found that my quads need help too! I am not yet feeling all of it in my IT bands due to my hamstrings being so tight, so I'll stick with it and hopefully gain some flexibility and less issues with IT band syndrome. Thank you David!

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