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Yoga Therapy for the Neck and Feet

Beginner I
(57 Reviews)

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This therapeutic sequence starts with a short, comprehensive series of neck exercise, then moves on to our often-neglected feet. Over 25% of our body’s bones are in our feet, and they hold up the whole weight of our body for hours every day.

If you do a lot of walking or running, or have flat feet, this class will help return suppleness and strength, increase range of motion, rebuild arches and improve stability.


  • Block


  • Legs and Feet


  • Hatha Yoga
August 22, 2013

Thank you for allowing me to mindfully focus my attention on the two most sore and tire areas of my body.

August 7, 2013

I especially love the work you do with your feet. It's perfect for helping get all those cramps and aches out, and I would recommend it to anyone who walks barefoot, on shoes without great soles, or in heels. I'd also imagine it would help you stand on your toes longer, therefore increasing your performance in push ups, certain yoga poses, and, once again, walking in heels. Thanks for sharing!

Comment Replies

July 17, 2014

oh, yes, our feet are neglected, aren't they? Such hard workers in the body, but not as the rest! I'm glad you found some relief with these stretches. I'm a barefooter, myself, so know all about it!

July 17, 2014

oh, yes, our feet are neglected, aren't they? Such hard workers in the body, but not as the rest! I'm glad you found some relief with these stretches. I'm a barefooter, myself, so know all about it!

January 31, 2013

Thank you for sharing this. I have foot drop in both feet from being ill. I use to do yoga quite well, but never realized how difficult it is when one is disabled. This class is great (although I use other classes) because it addresses my feet which I need soooo much! Thanks Erica Fitch!!!

Comment Replies

July 17, 2014

Hey Lilylangtree - thank YOU for practicing! Our feet seem to be overlooked, and it's true that when you lose some of their mobility and strength, you notice it in everything! Keep on practicing, and lift those arches! You'll be back to your old self in no time...

Comment Replies

September 2, 2014

It definitely helps me. Indeed, I never paid very much attention to my feet until I could no longer walk!! I do walk now, and even drive and ride a bicycle. It took a lot of work, but worth it all!! I could be sitting in a wheelchair, I am so grateful I didnt give up. Thanks again for sharing Erica.

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September 7, 2014

Hey Lillylangtree,
Erica here. Yes, it's easy to take our body and our physical abilities for granted until they are suddenly gone! And with how many distractions we have, it takes a lot of work to be present enough to our body to know what needs tending to. I'm glad these exercises help and that you are dedicated enough to give yourself the movement medicine that you need.
Keep up the good work!

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