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Strengthen and Lengthen

Intermediate I
(271 Reviews)

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This class is a sweet flow that is on the light side of intermediate. With Anastasia's lovely style and clear and calm guidance, she moves you through a class that will help with spinal health, overall strength and will leave you feeling great!


  • None


  • Strength
  • Core Strength
  • Legs and Feet
  • Neck/Shoulders


  • Vigorous Yoga


  • Hatha Yoga
June 24, 2018

I enjoyed this class very much. It is gentle yet challenging from time to time. Is this something I can do just before bedtime? I am looking for something I can do in the evening after all chores are done, and just before bedtime. And suggestion would be appreciate!!

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
June 25, 2018

Hi there.
Thanks for the kind words.
In terms of classes appropriate for bedtime, it would depend on a number of factors, including what style you like, what you are looking to do, the duration, etc. I would also recommend using the filters on our Yoga Classes page to narrow your choices down.

[email protected]
February 6, 2018

I have been doing classes for a couple years now. However, I find this class awesome after my morning run. Greta work, thanks Scott :)

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