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Morning Wake-Up and Move!

Beginner II
(283 Reviews)

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Ron will be one of your favorite teachers to wake up to after you do this fun, creative and challenging yoga class. Ron's imagery, description and unique transitions have helped him garner quite a following on DYWM, and this class is one of his best. Get ready to sweat, bend, twist, breathe, thoroughly stretch your whole body and dance your way into your day!


  • None


  • Flexibility
  • Morning
  • Spine


  • Hatha Yoga
May 29, 2020

I am an international teacher working in Santiago, Chile, where we are on full lockdown. No leaving the house without getting online to request government permission. This is week 11 of teaching online, and I have hit the wall. I was drinking too much, eating crap, not exercising, and basically wallowing in self pity UNTIL I discovered this video. I made a commitment to get up a little earlier every day to do this, and it has changed my life. I truly cannot thank you enough! It has brightened my whole approach to my day and lifted my spirits. I've been using this website for along time, and I love many of the teachers. But Ron? I am so so so thrilled to have found you!

Comment Replies

August 18, 2020

I love your story! So honest! It's so important to keep the darkness at bay. We are all feeling this, I believe. I've been to Chile and the culture and people are so relational. This must be very hard. Blessings to you, my friend. May you continue to find peace.
Tenga un buen dia.

November 11, 2020

Yaay great stuff! Good for you! I love Ron's classes too and am inspired to revisit this class after your comment! Hope you're doing well :)

May 20, 2020

After getting back to yoga in January after several years off, this was my first class with Ron and I loved it!

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