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Slow Flow: Awaken Your Spine

Beginner I
(45 Reviews)

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In this class, Guy takes you through a gentle hatha yoga flow, while helping you understand and experience the key movements of your spine: extension, forward bending, backward bending, side bending and twisting. He teaches you how to apply the principles in standing, lunging and reclining poses, leaving your spine feeling vibrant and relaxed.


  • Block
  • Blankets


  • Spine
  • Flexibility


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Slow Flow
  • Yoga for Seniors
  • Yoga for Back Care
July 4, 2021

Loved it. The first time I tried to get into yoga half a decade back, I was trying and wanting too much to be "perfect" and hence grew overly frustrated with myself and stopped coming to the mat. This time I approach yoga with a beginner's mindset and from a place of curiosity. This practice as Day 1 of the 14 day challenge was stellar for that. Just understanding the hip-shoulder relations and how they move relative to each other, was super helpful. Thank you!

April 1, 2021

Great class! Very clear instructions and good beginner pace!

Melissa Krieger
October 20, 2020

Great class, Guy! It was an excellent first practice for my partner for him to learn the basics and a good stretch for me. Thanks!

Comment Replies

Guy Friswell
October 21, 2020

Gosh, thanks Melissa! Good to hear that you're getting your partner into practicing, well done!

[email protected]
October 2, 2020

Excellent review of fundamentals. When I am in the lunge pose with one knee on blanket and the other leg behind me, I have trouble with the extended foot. It cramps when I try to keep the top of the foot against the floor I have to bend the foot and use my toes. How can I develop the posture you show?

Comment Replies

Guy Friswell
October 5, 2020

Hi there -- thanks for the question. The first thing I'd say is that there's nothing particularly special about the back foot being flat or toes tucked. Both work, and indeed with toes tucked you might get better feedback into the legs. The basic idea in yoga is to adapt the pose to suit your body rather than to adapt your body to suit the pose. Whatever works best for you is the best thing to do. However ... if you're experiencing foot cramps and would STILL like to try to get the top of your foot flat ... you probably need to do some work on both strengthening and releasing the muscles of your foot. I like to stand up and use a small "bouncy ball" and roll around the bottom of my foot into various pressure points. Also sitting in a squat with toes tucked under can really stretch the bottom of your foot -- neither of these are very comfortable, but they are effective! Anyhow, keep practicing! All the best, Guy

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