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Yoga for Sciatica Relief

Beginner II
(184 Reviews)

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If you are experiencing sciatic pain, this class will be both tough and effective. David has personal experience with sciatica and he understands how to provide effective relief for chronic sciatic nerve pain. This class repeats the best (and most uncomfortable!) yoga poses and stretches for sciatic pain, helping you release the key muscles that are responsible for the tightness and pain in the area around the sciatic nerve.


  • Strap
  • Blankets


  • Hips
  • Legs and Feet
  • Lower Back


  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga for Seniors
  • Yoga Therapy
  • Yoga for Back Care
Elle W
December 4, 2022

I have had ongoing issues over recent years with tightness in my ITB, piriformis, TFLs and hamstrings. When these areas get tight, this class is the ONLY thing that can rid me of the associated discomfort & pain I get. No physiotherapist has ever come close to helping me like this class does. Thank you so much David for providing this practice. If ever I feel tightness developing, I do this practice and am pain-free by the end of the class!
Unbeatable xx

November 17, 2022

Thank you David for this, I'm always returning to your classes when I have a problem in my body... The reason I love this website is because of these classes.

November 6, 2022

Really useful stretching for lower back and legs. David I so appreciated the frequent reminders to extend and relax the back of the neck. The urge to crunch there needs my attention. Thank you thank you.

September 15, 2022

David, I have been watching your videos for about a decade on YouTube. I've gone through different parts of my life and stopped my hips and hamstrings practice when I got busy sitting at my desk. I developed sciatica because of a couple factors, and I look forward to following this video as part of my recovery along with physio strengthening to help me get back to functioning. Thank you for your videos, and I hope you and your team are well.

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