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Yoga Fun at the Wall

(31 Reviews)

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This dynamic, full-body vinyasa yoga class takes a well-balanced approach to the body, moving the spine in all directions and including opportunities to release so many muscle groups, including the hamstrings, hips, hip flexors, back and shoulders. As you move through the flow, Crista incorporates using the wall in a creative, supportive way, while progressing safely toward two challenging poses, forearm balance and wheel.


  • None


  • Hips
  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Strength
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Core Strength
  • Inversions


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
February 22, 2021

I'm not "advanced" by any stretch of the imagination but on the back of completing Rachel's 7 day inversions challenge, I was hungry for more, and I absolutely LOVED this class! For the first 30 minutes it's just an amazing flow with some really nice twists and stretches. At about 30 minutes the more advanced stuff starts, but Crista always gives options to modify so you won't get left behind if some of the poses are a bit beyond what you can do right now. So for forearm stands, I practiced dolphin, and raising one leg at a time, bridge instead of wheel and for back bends, I just didn't go back that far. Brilliant class which I shall be coming back to again and again to chart my progress!

Lucia A
December 16, 2020

This is one of my favorite come-back-to classes. I’ve seen a world of difference between what I was able to do at the beginning and now, after a few months of constant practice. What never changes is Christa’s enthusiasm and ability to motivate you to try and achieve new things. She’s definitely one of my favorite teachers. Thank you, Christa!

Susan JunFish
November 15, 2020

Christa, what were the lyrics of the beautiful song you sang at the end? Your voice is so lovely!
Thank you for the practice, really enjoyed it. The gradual progression towards the wheel allowed me
to do it for the first time in a loooonnng time. Thank you!

Comment Replies

Crista Shillington
November 17, 2020

Hi Susan,
Thanks so much for your kind words!
The mantra at the end is known as the Guru mantra- guru means teacher. Lyrics and different melodies for this mantra are an easy google search.
Thanks so much for taking the time to write.
Warmly, Crista

September 7, 2020

I really appreciate the sequences in this class. Really artfully put together with a lot of work on each side before finally coming back to the series on the other side. The anticipation of moving to the next side really keeps me engaged in the flow. Beautiful movements to the wall and I'm inspired to put this into a regular practice when I finish the 30 day challenge. Thank you Crista and keep them coming! so fun!

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