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Yoga for the Feet

Beginner I
(160 Reviews)

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Pamper your feet with this wonderful class that massages, stretches and strengthens your toes, feet ankles, calves, shins and knees. It's the least you can do, considering that we punish our feet daily by standing, walking, running and bouncing on them. Take 26 minutes to give your feet some love!


  • Strap
  • Block
  • Therapy Ball


  • Legs and Feet


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga for Runners
December 24, 2016

Thank you for this class. I wish there was more focus on the feet, particularly arthritis of the big toes.....yes I have that. I hope this helps my poor tootsies. They really hurt and it has effected my yoga practice and every day functionality.

December 18, 2016

I broke my ankle and foot and have pain all the time. I have been starting my day with this class and notice the difference all day. Wonderful.

Comment Replies

December 25, 2016

Hi, I too broke my ankle this fall. I am really surprised that you are in pain. You should talk to your doctor (or change if he/she doesn't help) and get a physiotherapist. Two days after going to the physio, my knee did not hurt (because I did limp in a strange way before). The exercises here might be good, but you need also other aiming at rehabilitation of your foot. For instance, I had pain only one day after surgery, and there is a bunch of nails in my right leg/ankle. As example I have exercises for thighs, walking in stairs, standing on toes in a stair (with support). If you learn to walk again limping and keep limping it will be hard to relearn. It is not only the foot that needs exercises. Hope you get better.

December 13, 2016

Best class ever! I have terrible Plantar Fasciitis and this actually helped! I'm heading out for what I hope is a pain free walk now. Thanks!

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