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Yoga for Anxiety

Beginner I
(168 Reviews)

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Anxiety can be a difficult emotion to let go of. It requires a lot of self-reflection, opening up to vulnerability, an understanding of what anxiety feels like in your body and how to move it through. David spent many years plagued with anxiety and this class brings together everything he has learned through pranayama, meditation, movement and yoga that has helped him move through it. If you would like to go into more depth, check out our Yoga for Chronic Stress, Anxiety and Depression program (for subscribers only).


  • None


  • Twists
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Sleep/Relaxation


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga Therapy
July 16, 2017

I just wanted to say thank you, David. I am a 43-year-old man with Asperger Syndrome and have suffered from anxiety, depression, anger, and worry for as long as I can remember. This practice made me feel wonderful afterward, with a real sense of peace and emotion. As I sat cross legged at the end, a shed a tear, overwhelmed by the sensation I was left with.

Having 'dabbled' in yoga, on and off over the years, I have made the commitment to practice daily now, each morning, thanks to this practice and website. So thank you.


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David Procyshyn
July 16, 2017

You're welcome, Sam. Thank you for sharing. It makes me happier than you can imagine knowing that this class is making a difference. Have you tried my new guided meditations for anxiety and the new program? I'll put the link above.

June 11, 2017

I have struggled with anxiety my entire life! Healthy lifestyle changes and a regular yoga practice have made a world of difference! But occasionally I will still experience overwhelming feelings of worry, fear, and uncontrollable anxiety. This has been the case here recently for me. I went searching for a class today without any particular outcome in mind, and this class found me. I began class after reading a daily reflection in Meditations from the Mat regarding aparigraha. A sankalpa also came to me at the beginning of class... "I am free" and by the end I could definitely feel it! Savasana brought tears, which I feel like were a much needed release for me! I will be returning to this class regularly! Thank you so much, David! You are an excellent teacher!

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