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Yin/Yang Flow

Intermediate I
(111 Reviews)

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This juicy class combines a delicious breath-centred flow series with targeted, yin-style hip openers to release tension and let go of the day’s stress. Rachel's calm and precise guidance will help you recover a sense of ease, making it the perfect class for the end of a long day.


  • None


  • Hips
  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
  • Yin and Yin/Yang Yoga
July 29, 2020

great and quick hip opener class. loved the mini flows

July 29, 2020

Really enjoyed this during the morning. Woke up with hip pain. This is just what another day of working at a computer called for!

June 13, 2020

Love the mix of movement and longer holds - really great for rest days from more intense workouts. Thank you, Rachel!

May 8, 2020

Hi Rachel, thanks for this class!
I have a question regarding the pigeon pose variation. While practicing it my hips are squared to the front of the mat, but one hip is significantly higher than the other (so if my front leg is the right one the right hip would be lower, whilst the left hip would be much higher). When I bend forward, I feel a pinching sensation in my waist, on the side of the higher hip. Is that normal? I wouldn't describe it as pain but it isn't "opening" either, rather compression (because, again, my spine is kind of making a J). I am afraid to compromise the integrity of the spine, especially when bending (I cannot bend from my hips in this pose, I bend from my waist). What type of adjustments do you suggest? Reclined pigeon is not very stretchy anymore, but if it's safer i'll go back there.
Thanks a lot and I hope i'm manage to express myself clearly, english is not my mother tongue and I'm not very good at explaining my physical sensation in any case.

Comment Replies

Rachel Scott
May 10, 2020

Hello, hello!
Great question. If you're doing forward folding pigeon, I suggest letting go of the idea to square the hips. Start by sitting on your right with right shin forward. Your left knee bent (like "deer" or 90/90 pose). Your hips will NOT be square. Angle yourself over your front knee (toward upper right corner of mat) and forward fold. Keep seated on your right hip. From there, play with walking your hands towards center of mat. Find the best, most spacious angle for your torso that allows for a good stretch in right hip. Then, if you can keep your right hip down, you can start to extend left leg back as a means to letting your left hip move closer to the floor. Don't worry at all about squaring - that doessn't help hips so much in this pose (when you are in upright pigeon (torso vertical), it's a different story.) For more info, check out this tutorial :) - https://www.doyogawithme.com/content/two-pigeons - let me know how it feels!

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