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Wake Up!

Intermediate II
(191 Reviews)

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Crista teaches a remarkably satisfying power flow with only 10 minutes to work with! This is a very active class, with sun salutations, arm balances, kick-ups to handstand and even some time for releasing tight muscles. This one is for you, busy people who like a good work out!


  • None


  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Strength
  • Core Strength
  • Inversions
  • Morning


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
October 18, 2021

This was a great pick up me during a sluggish day, I really recommend if you want a short break from work/mundane tasks.

April 15, 2021

Non-sporty types beware: this class starts with a lot of chair pose! (To be fair, it IS labelled "Intermediate II".) My Sunday runner hamstrings begged for mercy. Fortunately, the pace is so fast that if you can't keep up with one pose, you can rest for a few seconds since the next one is coming right up and not all of them are so demanding. Still, my advice would be not to attempt this if you are fatigued, unless you are very fit to begin with; it is a good start to a good day – maybe not so much to a bad one :-).

February 8, 2021

WOW! Very fun! That was over before I knew it. Luckily I had read thru comments so I did a short Beginner class to warm-up before attempting this one. That worked out well; this was a lot of fun.

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