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Vinyasa Yoga for Lower Back Care: Stability

Intermediate II
(200 Reviews)

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In the first class in Fiji's series on Yoga for Lower Back Care, Fiji spends time on how to activate the core and stabilize the body in order to protect the back and strengthen our natural support mechanisms. This is particularly important in a vinyasa flow, since poses like chaturanga and upward facing dog can be hard on the lower back if not done properly, but it's even more important in daily life when we're walking, running, lifting, reaching and working. The entire program, Vinyasa Yoga for Lower Back Care, can be found on our Yoga Programs page.


  • Strap


  • Hips
  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Core Strength
  • Legs and Feet
  • Morning
  • Lower Back


  • Yoga for Back Care
  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
March 1, 2021

I would have never believed that this worked unless I did it myself. As I am going through the class, my arms are aching my legs are shaky. How in the world is this helping my lower back?? Not a believer. Till it was all over, I stood up and couldn't believe it, lower back pain minimal to none. I sit in a chair all day with very little chance to move around, my lower back aches all the time till today. So Figi you have made a believer out of me and I will not doubt the process if these amazing results are what is waiting at the end.

January 2, 2021

Thank you for this class - it helped to ease some of the stiffness and tension in my lower back. I'm trying to stay positive in the moment and avoid comparisons or judgements of the state of my body and yoga practice before and after several months of COVID restrictions, but it's tough sometimes. Your classes help!


Fiji, thank you so much! What a wonderful class. It also made me realise once again what an excellent teacher you are. You remind me of all the details I tend to forget in a pose, and at exactly the right moment.

June 7, 2020

This class as well as the whole programme is so helpful for my back! Thank you Fiji, excellent!

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