And... Our Annual 30-Day New Year's Yoga Challenge!

Tracey Noseworthy joined David for a conversation about what is coming up on DoYogaWithMe. They announced that we will be producing 23 videos before January 1st! Jeff, their videographer, was behind the camera looking worried, but he's confident he will have no problem accomplishing this daunting task.

Here is a summary of what they talked about:

  1. A total of 23 new class videos will be posted between now and January 1st, 2019, beginning with Altered Perspective with Tracey Noseworthy (which is free).
  2. They will feature of mixture of classes from yoga for seniors to beginners to intermediate classes.
  3. All of the new classes will be featured in one of our three New Year's 30-Day Challenges.
  4. There will be a 30-Day Challenge for seniors, one for beginners and one for intermediate students.
  5. We will tell you how more about the challenges on Monday, December 3rd, in another video blog post.

Have a great week!

From the DoYogaWithMe team.


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