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Sun Salutations II

Intermediate I
(136 Reviews)

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Sun salutations are a nice way to start or end the day, and a nice break in the middle of a busy work day. This version of sun salutations begins with a brisk flow and progresses into more and more challenging poses, finishing with a short relaxation.


  • None


  • Twists
  • Flexibility
  • Neck/Shoulders
  • Morning


  • Hatha Yoga
February 28, 2015

I really like this flow. I sometimes do 2 short practices a day. This is a go to favorite.

February 25, 2015

I had to do it a few times to apreciate it because I've only been doing yoga for a year and I am learning all the time. I use it as a warm up before focusing on other asanas.
Thank you David for sharing.

February 9, 2015

Gah, I like doing sun salutations but this instructor doesn't do anything but mumble! It makes it so hard to hear his instructions, especially because he moves through the poses very quickly. The wind blows too hard and suddenly he's in a totally different pose...

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
February 10, 2015

Hi, Vimtuous.

Thanks for the feedback. Perhaps I could have talked a bit louder, so sorry if you aren't able to hear sometimes, particular during the few moments when the mic caught some wind. It's one of the few videos where we didn't notice the wind until we brought it in to edit.

Take care,

DoYogaWithMe.com Founder

January 15, 2015

Great stretch and speedy flow. Excellent class for a 20-minute workout. This will work on your balance, shoulder and hip flexibility and get you moving in the morning!

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