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Stretch and Strengthen

Beginner II
(37 Reviews)

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In this accessible class, Guy leads you through the primary movements of major joints in your body, focusing on both stretching and strengthening the muscles that support your joints. This is a good all-around practice to get you moving comfortably!

This can either be done as a stand-alone class or as Day 3 of Total Body Flexibility And Health 14-Day Yoga Challenge For Men.

Stretch and Strengthen Playlist (to be played with the class):

Click on the playlist below at the 3 minute mark of the video to sync it with the class.

Listen on SpotifyListen on Apple MusicListen on YouTube Music

Note: You will need a subscription for access to Apple Music, and for music to play ad-free on Spotify and YouTube Music. You will also need to adjust the volume to your preference.


  • None


  • Flexibility
  • Strength
  • Whole Body


  • Hatha Yoga
January 7, 2021

All good until you told us to L-sit. Really?

Comment Replies

Guy Friswell
January 9, 2021

Understandably the L-sit is not accessible to most folks without practice, I agree. My reasoning behind including this: this video part of a challenge targeted at beginning men and I wanted to show that yoga isn’t all about being bendy. Strength is also important. And this pose would be almost achievable by an inflexible but strong male ... perhaps challenging and encouraging them to consider the potential benefits of a dedicated yoga practice. So, it was a bit of spice, for sure, and something to build towards. Thanks for watching! Guy

Comment Replies

January 10, 2021

Thanks for the explanation, Guy. I understand your intent, but I found that demonstration somewhat discouraging. I felt the same way I feel when a teacher encourages a beginner class to follow them into plow pose. I'm probably close to having enough strength to L-sit, but I don't ever expect to achieve the required flexibility. After nearly two years of yoga practice, I can't come close to straightening my legs in down dog. (By the way, I know more women than men who can L-sit.) Namaste.

Comment Replies

January 23, 2021

My husband has had great results taking David Procyshyn's Sciatica class. Just thought I'd recommend!

January 4, 2021

Great class. I did this one on my lunch break and feel really stretched and strong.

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