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Slow Flow: Focus on Transitions

Beginner I
(32 Reviews)

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In this class, Guy helps you explore the transitions between several common poses found in flow-style classes: child's pose, table top, plank, and downward dog. This class was designed with seniors in mind but, with a focus on economy of movement and proper alignment, it is the kind of practice that can benefit practitioners of all ages and levels. Check out some of Guy's other slow flow classes like Slow Flow: Seated Practice, or Slow Flow: Focus on Knees. Oh, and please don't take Guy's photochromic lenses personally. He's only hiding from the sun, not you!


  • None


  • Strength


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Slow Flow
  • Yoga for Seniors
February 26, 2020

Very efficient way of transitioning. Thank you. Love the chimes each time.

February 25, 2020

Brilliant demonstration and explanation of how to do these building block poses. I currently have a torn meniscus on one knee and hamstring tendonitis on the other leg. What recommendations do you have for people like me who can't sit back on their heels in hero's pose?

Comment Replies

Guy Friswell
February 25, 2020

Thanks for your feedback! Regarding your knee and hamstring injuries, the first thing I'd say is that I'm only a yoga teacher -- my suggestions can't replace the guidance of physiotherapists, physicians and other certified movement professionals. If you haven't yet sought input from a qualified professional regarding safe movement and recovery from injury, that would certainly be a good place to start. The second thing is that I've actually had a torn meniscus and subsequent arthroscopic surgery. I spent a lot of time adapting my movement practice both before and after repair. And the biggest lesson from my experience was simply to listen to -- and respect -- the feedback that my body was giving me. So, with all these caveats, instead of going back on your heels in hero's pose, only go so far back as is accessible and safe given the feedback that you've received from both your body and your movement professionals. This could mean that your knees are only bent maybe 90 degrees or even less. No worries, simply keep them bent safely and as long as possible as you shift back and up. Allow your body to repair, and slowly progress from there. Hope this helps and happy practicing!

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