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Prepare for Arm Balances

Intermediate III
(30 Reviews)

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This class is perfect for beginners who are looking for more challenge and intermediates who are happy with a more foundational class. Rachel gives you everything you need to know when attempting an arm balance, including teaching you technique and preparation. Her clear instruction, precise alignment and enthusiasm will help you move into poses that you may find challenging.


  • Block


  • Twists
  • Strength
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Core Strength
  • Balance
  • Neck/Shoulders


  • Hatha Yoga
  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga

I really appreciate this class. Thank you for providing such clear instruction -- it will go a long way to improve my practice. I'm coming back to this class a lot, I think. I hadn't realized how little of my hand I've been using in my down dog and balances. This will definitely be a continued work in progress. I'm loving Rachel -- so clear and informative.

March 30, 2019

I enjoyed this class! I wasn't sure if I was going to, but it ended up being very satisfying. I found it really helpful that Rachel emphasized putting more weight into the fingers and knuckles, because I think I usually just rest most of the weight onto the heels of my hands, so my crow felt much more stable which was cool! And I'm so proud of myself that I can do eka pada koundinyasana ii, although it's not a perfect one. But man, my wrists are pooped after this like never before.

March 2, 2019

Whooosh! This was a welcome return to some strength building after a Winter of Yin heavy practices! I love playing with arm balances and thanks to Rachel's and Fiji's strength classes over the years, I have come to enjoy quite a few; this was a great reminder of good alignment... and also wakening up some underused muscles! Thank you! xx

Dusty Cobwebs
February 24, 2019

After reading the previous comment regarding difficulty, I thought I ought to watch through first. When Rachel got to demonstrating crow pose with toes on a block I decided to give that a go and I DID IT!!!!!!! Thank you, thank you thank you! Awesome class Rachel, even if the whole class is still a bit beyond my abilities, you helped me achieve something new.

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