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Power for Deep Release

(203 Reviews)

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Few yoga classes go so deep so quickly. Fiji takes you through this tough class mindfully, preparing the body for each stage and making sure that you don't push past your limit. A quick, challenging flow that leads to a sequence of wonderfully deep releases.


  • None


  • Hips
  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Twists
  • Strength
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Balance
  • Inversions
  • Legs and Feet
  • Lower Back


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
January 8, 2021

This one is really advanced. My limbs are just not proportioned to complete most of the poses past the halfway mark. Major adaptations, yet still rewarding in its own way.

November 8, 2020

This is an awesome short practice. I got into some really powerful stretching sensations. I'm going to work towards being able to grab my foot with both hands in that pigeon variation. Good stuff!

June 26, 2020

Hi Fiji! This was amazing. I did it after warming up with the firefly pose workshop and between the queuing in that and the progression in this I felt like my body was truly engaged to Safely enter the poses. I’m 6mos pp and its so great to move my spine again. Thanks for a wonderful class. I look forward to revisiting both practices.

Foxy Roxi
May 16, 2020

This was a great session. Thank you Fii. There was a point where I thought oh no I don't think this is for me. As I paused the video and lay on my back I heard my Sensi's voice say you are more oiwerful than you even realised. My response was I am not giving up I am just resting! Then I got up quickly hit played and loved the rest of the session. I will return to this as my body gets stronger and more supple I hope to progress in this class with a bit more flow and grace. Namaste. xx

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