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Playful Power Yoga

(93 Reviews)

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Ron's playful style lends well to a power yoga class that borders on intermediate to advanced. The power of his imagery makes common poses, such as the warriors, balance poses and savasana, suddenly feel wonderfully new. Ron brings a dance-like flow to this class, so be ready for some unusual transitions.


  • None


  • Balance
  • Core Strength
  • Twists
  • Vigorous/Energy


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
September 20, 2017

My favourite video here so far. What a gorgeous routine, thank you!

June 12, 2017

Beautiful practice. I enjoyed the flow and focus on gentle self-care. The transitions were smooth. Had a bit of a hard time following cues, but overall loved Ron's teaching style. Very fluid!

Melanie Lichtinger
February 24, 2017

So great to practice with grace and flow and opening, lengthening visualizations. Loved the sequences and transitions, and the challenges - will keep me coming back. A beautiful fluid way of being in the Yoga.
Thanks Ron - will check out other ones of you too!
(always gravitating to the ones in nature - inspiring to go out there for Yoga again soon too).

February 23, 2017

I like Ron's energy. This is a creative and interesting flow. However, the cues are not very well executed. I found myself glancing up to look at the screen with every transition to figure out what was going on. I thought it made it more difficult to get into the flow and work on my breath. I also noticed that he did not perform some asanas on both sides, such as twists. This left me feeling unbalanced. I also think this class should be considered intermediate rather than advanced.

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