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What Role Does the Nervous System Play with Chronic Anxiety?

(6 Reviews)

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In this video, David helps you feel the effect of the nervous system on your life, and how it can lead to chronic anxiety and panic attacks. Understanding what the nervous system is doing when you get anxious helps you learn how to let go of its grip on your life. David finished by teaching you a simple practice that can be used anytime, anywhere, to help reduce the overwhelming effect of anxiety on your life. To watch the rest of this video series, check out David's free Anxiety: A Learning Series. To go deeper into your relationship with your anxiety, go to David's Let Go of Anxiety and Fear 21-Day Program.

David Procyshyn
July 5, 2023

Thank you so much for the kind words, everyone. I'm so very happy to hear that this video helped you. It's so rewarding for me!

January 29, 2023

Visualizing the warm water washing through my body and out my feet was very soothing. I will try this again and again to help bring down the noise in my head.

miriam freitag
October 18, 2022

thank you so much. your explanation of the nature of anxiety and how to slow it down is beautifully shared and profoundly helpful.

April 8, 2022

I am trying. Very hard to focus. My mind is always racing. It is comforting to listen to someone who identifies with this. I will continue the series. Thank you so much.

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