Monthly Update - October 2018
We've got a Yoga Challenge this month for all those yogis and yoginis on the go, a brand new class video layout as well as a heaping helping of new yoga classes for you to enjoy alongside cozy sweaters and pumpkin spiced treats.

New Classes Available To All

Plus Size Yoga | 46 min | Beginner
Instructor: Helen Camisa
This class is an exploration of Warrior 1, 2 and 3 - all the warriors! - designed for folks who are working within a bigger body. Although it isn't strictly neccesary for the class, a bolster can sometimes help you find ease in various seated or lying postures. If you'd like to learn how to make your own bolster you can check out this short tutorial.
Prenatal Yoga for Core Strength
Gentle Yoga | 32 min | Beginner
Instructor: Sarah Jane Steele
The intention of this class is to invigorate the core and strengthen it from the pelvic floor and up and from inside out. Safe, prenatal specific postures are taught in this core specific class. If you like this class, you can check out Sarah-Jane's other prenatal yoga classes: Prenatal Yoga for Early Pregnancy, Prenatal Yoga: Releasing the Spine, and Prenatal Yoga: Easing Leg Cramps.

New Subscriber-only Classes

Vinyasa Yoga | 13 min | Beginner
Instructor: Fiji McAlpine
This short yoga sequence is especially tailored to those who sit for long periods of time and need a movement break out session to get energy flowing. The class is all done standing so no yoga mat or floor time is required, making it suitable for almost any work setting.
Restorative Yoga | 44 min | Beginner
Instructor: Tianne Allen

This class helps release deeply held tensions from the body with restorative yoga poses and clears the mind with a delightful Blue Sky meditation. With blankets supporting and creating comfort for our body, we will explore chest, shoulder and hip openers, twists, and a final, deeply restful Shavasana.

Hatha Yoga | 11 min | Beginner
Instructor: Melissa Krieger
If you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk or working in one position all day, this class will get you moving, stretch your stiff body and make you feel a whole lot better! Melissa has designed this class to be a full body stretch, to give you a break from your desk and to give you more energy to take on your day.
Yoga Lunch Break
Yoga At Work | 15 min | Beginner
Instructor: Fiji McAlpine
In this short, well-rounded yoga practice, Fiji guides you through a flow that will invigorate your body, shake off any stiffness, refocus your mind and give you a much-needed midday rest.
Prenatal Yoga For Early Pregnancy
Gentle Yoga | 32 min | Beginner
Instructor: Sarah Jane Steele
The first trimester of pregnancy can be joyful but full of nausea, fatigue and the unknown. The intention of this class is to ground mamas and lead them through postures that will not agitate their symptoms or contribute to any worry or stress in the most sensitive developmental time of their pregnancy.
Yoga For Self-Compassion
Hatha Yoga | 43 min | Beginner
Instructor: Ron Stewart
This class is a more challenging beginner yoga flow that invites you to cultivate self compassion. Coming from a “no pain no gain” culture, many of us benefit from being reminded that practicing yoga with mindfulness towards experiencing pleasure in the body can be a more effective way to calm the nervous system while building strength and alignment. Also, practicing with pleasure offers us a body felt understanding which teaches us the option of bringing more pleasure into our lives off the mat.
Hoppity Hops
Vinyasa Yoga | 44 min | Intermediate
Instructor: Crista shillington
This creative vinyasa flow class provides variety and challenging sequencing. Crista has you doing twists, binds, handstand hops, power poses and deep stretches that make up an incredibly satisfying, whole body yoga class.


October (1st-30th)
Improve Your Flexibility For Busy People

If you answer the question "Can you touch your toes?" with "Who has time to touch their toes?" then this challenge is for you! 30 days of short n' sweet classes that will get you feeling limber and nimble right quick!

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Upcoming Yoga Challenges

20-Day Office Yoga Challenge - Gentle

This yoga challenge helps those working at a desk establish a healthy yoga routine, one they can fit into their busy schedule and yoga classes they will be able to do limited space. This yoga challenge has only gentle, beginner classes, all 25 minutes or less.

20-Day Office Yoga Challenge - Vigorous

This yoga challenge for office workers encourages anyone with a busy desk job to fit in a short, high energy yoga class whenever they have a break during the day. There will be one class per day during the work week and each class will be intermediate level and vigorous.

14-Day Yoga Challenge for Seniors

If you are 55+ and looking to improve your balance, flexibility, strength and overall well being as you get older, try doing yoga every day for 14 days. Then keep doing it! This program helps seniors experience yoga for the first time and establish a routine that will help them to feel good in their golden years.

Our Most Recent Sangha Sessions:

Sangha sessions are questions that inspire community dialogue on our forum. These questions help us understand what is important to our community as well as giving our members the opportunity to share, ask and connect.
Saturday, September 22nd, 2018
Sangha Session 12: “ What yoga styles are you interested in learning more about and why?”

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Feb 16 - 23, 2019
Feb 23 - Mar 2, 2019


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