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Modified Prenatal Vinyasa

Beginner II
(21 Reviews)
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Sarah Jane guides you through a vinyasa adapted for mothers to be in their second and third trimesters. You will be doing modified side planks and outer and inner hip strengthening to make your body strong in the rest of your pregnancy and post partum, along with calf stretches, and spinal mobility to bring balance to the sacrum and facilitate good fetal positioning. Always stop at junctures where you feel dizzy and out of breath, and remember to stay hydrated. Build up to completing the full practice.


  • Blankets
  • Bolster


  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet
  • Lower Back
  • Spine
  • Twists


  • Prenatal/Postnatal Yoga
September 14, 2023

In my 22nd week of pregnancy and I’ve really been having a hard time affirming my body & what it’s doing. Your words at the end of class were a much-needed kind encouragement, if even a little convicting of being too hard on myself. Thank you for a loving, restorative class.

October 24, 2020

This was amazing, thank you! I’ve been doing the videos in the prenatal program, but now I‘m in my second trimester and beginning to get some energy back, I really wanted to try something a little closer to the vinyasa flows I love so much. My hips feel so wonderful after this practice. Definitely excited to keep using this video as well as try some of the other longer prenatal flow classes.

April 5, 2020

I found this practice at 40 weeks of pregnancy, and it was magical. I loved the lunge variation - really helped open my sticky inner thighs without putting too much strain on my loose pelvis. Thank you!

August 2, 2019

This is a great slower paced practice. There are a couple good challenging holds, without overdoing it (for me) since my practice has definitely slowed in pregnancy but trying to stay loose and strong. I enjoy the prenatal classes offered by both you and Fiji. They are so wonderful to help us/me keep going through all the body changes. Thank you!

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