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Kundalini Yoga for the Sacral Chakra

Intermediate I
(64 Reviews)

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A focus on the Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana) requires care and attention, since it involves intense back bends and breathing exercises. Dawn's skillful guidance and encouragement allow you to focus inward, even when it's difficult. This is a fun, enlightening journey into the sacral chakra.


  • None


  • Strength
  • Core Strength


  • Kundalini Yoga
July 12, 2016

Hi Im glad for this morning class in my day! I enjoyed, and im felling my Sacral Chakra, but i missed the compensation poses after some postures that work hard the lower black. So many times i had to stop the video to the compensation. Gratefully

July 2, 2016

Both relaxing and freeing. Thanks for the quick rejuvenation. All help is much appreciated, especially when it comes to the sacral chakra

February 1, 2016

Dawn, I love your classes. I have been unwell for a couple of years and I recently discovered these. They are bringing joy and calmness to my life!

Are you putting anymore up or is there somewhere else to watch them. I live in the UK, so unfortunately cannot come to your classes!

Thanks so much


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