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Koundinyasana Fun I

Intermediate III
(104 Reviews)

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This class may not be considered advanced by some yogis, but it's close. The emphasis is on fun in this 2-part series with Crista. In this class, part 1, she leads you into eka pada koundinyasana II, a challenging arm balance that requires a lot of strength, focus and balance, skills that Crista teaches you in this 40-minute vinyasa yoga class. This class leads to Koundinyasana Fun II, where you will be going through this class again, then proceeding on to Crista's 2nd peak pose, eka pada koundinyasana I. You can find both classes together in Peak Pose: Pose Dedicated to the Sage Koundinya I, which is on our Peak Pose Challenges page. You may need a block or firm pillow for this class.


  • Block


  • Hips
  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Core Strength
  • Legs and Feet
  • Morning


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
June 22, 2017

Not for me today. There is no warm-up before launching right into poses which my not-so-flexible body finds painful and possibly injurious (those darn tight hamstrings!). Maybe another day after I've warmed up with some sun salutations or another flowing class.

Comment Replies

Crista Shillington
September 12, 2017

So true, I always recommend doing sun salutations before beginning my classes! In my real-time yoga classes I always teach 4 lunge sun salutations before progressing onto these online sequences- those sun salutations can be found here at doyogawithme entitled "warm up sun salutations"

June 9, 2017

I had been doing classes by the same instructor (on doyogawithme) repeatedly, because I liked that instructor's style. I just tried Crista's class for the first time, and I love the pace, variety and unexpected challenges of her class. Definitely looking out for more classes by Crista!

June 6, 2017

I love Crista's classes as they are so creative and never dull - this one was great fun to do, even though I couldn't master the peak pose! I'll keep trying :-) Loads of wonderful hip openers too, for which my runners' legs are always grateful. Thank you Crista!

June 3, 2017

Crista, you are my favorite yoga teacher ever! So playful, I love feeling surprised during a yoga class--keeps my mind away from the hard parts of yoga and in the fun part! Thank you thank you!

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