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Hip Flexor Heaven

Intermediate I
(338 Reviews)

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This class targets the hips flexors, a common problem area for many, including runners, athletes, people with desk jobs and those with hyperlordosis. David guides you through a class that builds gradually toward a final series of deep openers for the quads and psoas muscles, starting and finishing with a guided relaxation.

This can either be done as a stand-alone class or as Day 15 of the Daily Dose 30-Day Intermediate Yoga Challenge.


  • Block


  • Hips
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Legs and Feet
  • Lower Back


  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga for Athletes
  • Yoga for Runners
  • Yoga for Back Care
January 8, 2019

This for me is definitely one of your best classes David...so appreciated for a mind/body carrying a history of intense athletic performance and injury. Thanks for all you do :)

July 31, 2018

This class does wonders for me every time I do it, and I do it pretty often. Most of my workouts consist of running, weight lifting, and free weight exercises, as well as some cycling and hiking here and there. I also walk 2-3 miles a day just going from class to class at my university. This class is PERFECT for loosening me up, even when I don't think I need it. So refreshing, so relaxing, and the feel-good feelings stick with you for hours if not days afterward!

July 13, 2018

This was an excellent class that really spoke to me- I was able to relax my mind and body and feel great. I was especially drawn to the cue ‘engage your glutes’. It made me realize I don’t typically engage my glutes in lunge. In other sports (running, weight lifting, etc.), I discovered that the emphasis to NOT engage glutes in cobra and septu Banda has made me focus on not engaging glutes and in the long run and lead to some back pain and incorrect form. Do you have a good resource to look through about when to engage glutes in yoga? Thank you!

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